Lovin’ Muay Thai

Recently, I was going through something really painful and work has been quite demanding than usual hence I wasn’t able to post something here in my blog for almost a week. I still write through my journal albeit inconsistently but I reckon that I’m now back on track. I normally write fiction stories but this time allow me to share something about me that has made my life more exciting than ever. This sport not only improved my core and leg strength, but helped me a lot to relieve stress and to stay focused on what’s important.

Anyhow, the quick video above shows how amateur I am with Muay Thai but I’d post it anyway to document it because I initially thought I won’t fit in to this sport considering my size and weight but nevertheless, it was worth the try. I’m now lovin’ Muay Thai and its tremendous benefits to my body. To give you a little bit of history, Muay Thai is the national sport and cultural martial arts of Thailand that was developed hundreds of years ago. Muay Thai is referred to as “The Art of Eight Limbs”; using eight points of contact the body mimics weapons of war. The hands become the sword and dagger; the shins and forearms were hardened in training to act as armor against blows, and the elbow to fall opponents like a heavy mace or hammer; the legs and knees become the axe and staff. The body operated as one unit. The knees and elbows are constantly searching and testing for an opening while grappling and trying to spin an enemy to the ground for the kill.

What I find really fascinating in this sport is the inexplicable relief it gives me right after a session and the pure fun I get whilst doing it. The physical pain is indefinably intense that it has surprisingly overpowered the pain I’ve currently went through. I came to this realization that when you’re dealing with heartbreak or loss or any other form of emotional pain, a physical activity (apart from writing, of course) will help you cope up with it real fast—counter-attacking pain with another. This is not, however, a guarantee that getting engaged in a sport will numb all them emotional pain life throws at you but it will absolutely help you deal with it pretty well. Instead of allowing your roller coaster of negative emotions to eat you up as you cry over that heartbreak, why don’t you go out there, pick a sport or just freakin’ run the pain away? Lol, just sayin’. Let me end this post with a boomerang down there. Happy weekend, y’all.


  1. I’ve never heard of Muay Thai before, thanks for the brief history.
    On pain though, I don’t think it was other pain that fought it but the distraction to your mind.
    I hope you’re feeling better now though.

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    1. Apple Rae says:

      Hi Lucas! Thank youuu, yea I’m feeling better now. I think you’re right about the distraction but for me it has a lessening effect or maybe it’s just in my head? Haha. Muay thai is famous in Asia in general and in my country.

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  2. Issa Dioume says:

    Have a great weekend! Glad that martial arts are helping you gain balance in your life. I tried Muay Thai at some point but chose Savate instead ( French boxing) two great sports!

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    1. Apple Rae says:

      Hi Issa! I haven’t heard of Savate, what’s the difference? We don’t have that sport in my country here in the Philippines, as far as i know. I’m glad you mentioned it. Thank you for dropping by! ♥️ happy weekend!


      1. Issa Dioume says:

        It’s French boxing but we use legs as well. 🙂 unlike English boxing.

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      2. Apple Rae says:

        Oh, that’s interesting! Very cool ☺️

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  3. George F. says:

    You’re beautiful, talented and athletic! Dammmm girl, what more can a partner want? Thanks for sharing this personal story…and I’m looking forward to more tales of Psychoweirdo!! (She’s the main character in your soon-to-be-published fiction novel…)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Apple Rae says:

      Thank you for those compliments, George. Lol Psychoweirdo needs to keep up with Akira’s level of evilness, seriously. She’s insanely powerful! I love her!

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      1. George F. says:

        You’re single handedly motivation me to bring her to the next level! I respond well to a challenge! Thanks!

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      2. George F. says:

        …keep in mind, I couldn’t have written that post without you!!

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      3. Apple Rae says:

        Aw that’s sweet! Thanks! And you inspire me too. 😊

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  4. Ouch girl u r TOUGH 🙀🙀
    I’ve heard about this sport before, mostly when traveled South Asia for 2 month 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Apple Rae says:

      Hi Ray! Thanks! Lol. Yea this sport is popular in Asia. Have you been to my country, the Philippines, as well?

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      1. Nope 😭😭 I’ve been only in 7 Asian and + Australia. No Philippines yet 🙂 next time for sure!

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      2. Apple Rae says:

        Oh you must! Let me know once you decided to visit, i will tour you around 😉 I’m going to Australia too next week. Love to travel as much as you do. 😘

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      3. cool!!! we’ll be waiting for pictures haha

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      4. Apple Rae says:

        Haha i will post some soon! 😅

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  5. My father was a Recon Marine During the Vietnam war. He started teaching me MCMAPS at a very young age. I took some Shotokan and Tea Kwan Do and various other forms. Muay Thai is a fine form that delivers a LOT of power. But I must tell you about Dot. Dot was a martial arts teacher in my area and she was about your size. Like many Americans she studied different styles. I saw her knock my 200 pound cousin down with one punch. (He studied Tea Kwan Do) it was the best sparring session ever! 🤣

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Apple Rae says:

      Oh yea! Do you still practice some of those martial arts? Taekwondo is also famous here in my country. Lol Dot’s story is intense! Haha. That was funny hahaha

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      1. Not so much anymore. I will be 50 years old this summer and I was pretty rough on my body when I was younger. I still train occasionally but it’s mostly for fun. As a form of self defense I found it good to stick to the basics and not worry about rankings or fancy moves. I was a wrestler in high school and I’ve mixed a little of everything into my forms. Even Irish sheleighly.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Apple Rae says:

        Oh wow! Advance happy golden birthday, Lloyd. Wow! I admire wrestlers and fighters so much. Bet you had an exciting childhood/teenage life with all these sports. So cool ♥️

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      3. I have a few stories but most of the time it was just for sports. 🙂

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  6. Bartek D says:

    That’s amazing, it’s nice to know you a little more and that you are feeling better. I fell in love with Muay Thai after watching all the movies with Tony Jaa. Did you know that before people practiced Muay Boran but it was banned because too many people died in the fights?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Apple Rae says:

      Oh yea? I didn’t know that. When was this and what movie of Tony Jaa do you recommend? I’ll check it out ☺️ thanks as alwaysss Bartek.


    2. Apple Rae says:

      Btw, what’s the difference between Muay Thai and Muay Boran?


      1. Bartek D says:

        I don’t remember exactly to be honest from what I know it’s almost the same but back then they didn’t use protective equipment and were almost no rules and few moves they dont use anymore, I might be slightly wrong. As for the movies he has two amazing series, The protector, and Ong Bak, both have 3 parts

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      2. Apple Rae says:

        Oh i see. Sounds about right. I’ll check these movies you mentioned too. Thank youuuuu ☺️☺️


      3. Bartek D says:

        Cool I think I’ll watch them again too haha, hope you are not too squeamish about bone breaking because the is a lot as in he might have a record for the most limbs broken.

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      4. Apple Rae says:

        I’m not squemish with stuff like that don’t worry haha 😆 i will let you know once I’ve seen it. The action excites me lol


      5. Bartek D says:

        Awesome, I’m apologise for bombarding you with comments today, I wanted to know if you will still participate in the Destination Unknown? Because of whatever you are going through now I understand if you don’t. I’m not saying it in any bad way, just concerned for a great writer😉

        Liked by 1 person

      6. Apple Rae says:

        Hi Bartek, it’s alright. I always love hearing from you. Can I still join though? Hmm. I’m thinking probably on the next challenge you’re planning instead? I also have a contest with a fellow writer named George, with my Psychoweirdo series, and once I’m done with that I can join your challenge again, like I really would love to. Is that okay?

        Liked by 1 person

      7. Bartek D says:

        Of course you can, I was hoping for it actually. I’m waiting for psycho weirdo too. So you won’t be doing the next part is that right? Than I’ll pass it on to Lloyd and wrap it up probably so I can work on preparing on the other one.

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      8. Apple Rae says:

        Yes pass it to Lloyd, my sincere apologies. I’d definitely join the next one should you allow me to 😉 excited for the new challenge!


      9. Bartek D says:

        No need to apologise, you are already invited and keep on fighting through whatever gets you down 😉

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      10. Apple Rae says:

        Thank you Bartek! I will! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

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  7. Jokerswild says:

    You are a cutie and I love this post lovely! You are absolutely right, exerting energy is a wonderful way to release negative energy and I myself is a big MMA fan. I like Muay Thai but I practice jujutsu which falls under the same category in a way. Muay Thai was developed as a form of close combat which utilized the whole body as a weapon like you said, sorta like Brazilian jujitsu.😊. I knew I liked you for a reason, now I really do wanna have a strawberry smoothie with you and laugh at dumb jokes😁🃏! I’m glad you’re living it, stick with it, it’s a great sport and it goes great with meditation!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Apple Rae says:

      Hi Roy! Thanks for the heartfelt comment. And yes! I’d say yes to a strawberry smoothie and yes to dumb jokes. Haha. I like MMA too, and yes jujitsu is almost same as Muay Thai. Btw, from which country are you from again? Sorry i think I missed this one lol

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      1. Jokerswild says:

        You’re so welcome for the comment lovely, I mean what I say about you❤️🌹. And yes, strawberry smoothies and dumb jokes would be a Jokers dream and an Apples delight! Yes, both styles are very similar and I love them both, I’ve been in jujutsu for 4 years now. I’d like to get into capoeira, but it probably requires rhythm😂. I’m from the USA. 😉

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      2. Apple Rae says:

        Ohh Capoeira is foreign to me though lol. It’s my first time to hear about that. I’ll google about it anyway. Thanks for mentioning. Have a good day, Roy ☺️

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      3. Jokerswild says:

        Yeah, that’s an art from Brazil also. You have a lovely day too lovely.❤️

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    1. Apple Rae says:

      Just checked it. Awesome stuff! Thank you!


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